
Psychiatric Care Therapy Services

Located in Gastonia, NC, the psychiatric office of Dr. Vik Shukla has the experience and education you or your loved ones deserve when it comes to mental healthcare. With decades of service, give us a call today to book your appointment.

Woman Talking to Her Pchychologist — Gastonia, NC — Vik Shukla, M.D.

Psychotherapy Includes:

As a psychiatrist, Dr. Vik Shukla specializes in various types of psychotherapy services for children, adolescents and adults. Below are a few different therapy services offered, however another method might be more ideal for different individuals. Book an appointment for a consultation with Dr. Shukla today for an experienced and comfortable assessment. Our goal is to provide the best possible care for our patients.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is based on the approach that thoughts, feelings, actions and other physical reactions are connected, both positive and negative. This therapy helps treat negative thoughts and emotions in a more positive way.

Supportive Therapy

Supportive therapy helps individuals gain, improve or restore communication skills like active listening, which also can improve self-esteem levels. Overall, the patient will feel more confident communicating and building other relationships. 

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy

Unlike other therapies listed above, psychodynamic therapy offers a focus on mental processes rather than the behavioral patterns. This therapy is generally used to help treat anxiety, panic disorders, ptsd, personality disorders and more. 

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